Moving out
At some point it will be time to move into another home. How do you terminate the lease and what other things do you need to remember when moving out?
Terminating the lease
A lease that is valid until further notice will end when either the tenant or the landlord terminates it. When the landlord terminates the lease, the tenant must be given a written notice of termination which details the end date of the lease and the grounds for termination.
The grounds for termination must be legitimate and fair, such as personal occupation of the apartment, selling the apartment etc. If the tenant terminates the lease, the period of notice is one month. If the landlord terminates the lease, the period of notice is three months if the lease has lasted for less than a year and six months if the lease has lasted for more than a year. The agreement will remain valid until the end of the period of notice and you must pay rent until the end date. The legally determined period of notice for a tenant cannot be extended with an agreement, nor can a period of notice for the landlord be shortened.
The period of notice will begin on the last day of the month in which the written notice of termination was received. For example, if you submit a notice of termination to the landlord on 15 November, the one-month period of notice will begin on the last day of November, so you will have to pay rent for the entire month of December.
Cancelling the lease
Cancelling the lease means that the lease will end immediately without a period of notice. A lease can only be cancelled in particular situations prescribed by law. The most common reasons for cancellation are failure to pay rent and living in a manner that disturbs the neighbours. Usually the landlord must submit a warning to the tenant before the lease can be cancelled. If the reason for cancellation is failure to pay rent, the lease can also be cancelled without warning. An eviction means clearing out the apartment if the tenant has failed to move out of the apartment by a date set by a court. Only a court can decide on ordering an eviction.
The condition of the apartment upon moving out
As time goes by, the apartment will be subjected to natural wear and signs of use such as aging of the wall and floor surfaces. As the tenant, you are not responsible for natural wear (such as a mark caused by hanging up a painting) unless otherwise agreed. In other words, the landlord cannot expect the apartment to be in exactly the same condition at the start and the end of the lease. However, you are responsible for any damage caused deliberately, by carelessness or by negligence. You are also responsible for any damage caused by your friends. When you move out, there will be a written condition inspection of the apartment detailing the condition. The inspection is important, as you are only responsible for the damage caused during your lease. Be sure to clean your apartment and storage facilities before moving out. Any cleaning and repair costs will be deducted from the deposit returned to you. Be sure to also return all keys you have received and any additional keys you may have had made to the landlord.
Terminate the lease, schedule a moving inspection. What else is there to do?
- Always terminate the lease in writing. For a tenant, the period of notice is one month. The period of notice starts on the last day of the calendar month in which you terminate the lease. You must pay rent during the period of notice as well.
- Schedule a moving inspection. When you notify the landlord of your moving out, the condition of the apartment will be inspected and any damage caused during your tenancy will be written down. Normal wear is acceptable, but you may have to pay for other damage.
- Notify the housing manager of your moving out. Remember to notify the building’s maintenance company or the housing manager of your moving out.
- Terminate or transfer your electricity agreement. If you move within the same town, you can transfer the electricity agreement to the new address with the power company’s own notification procedure. If you move to another town or want to use a different company, terminate your old agreement and sign a new one at least two weeks before moving.
- Transfer your home insurance to the new home. Check whether your current insurance will cover your next home.
- Make sure you have an Internet connection. Agree with the operator on transferring your connection well in advance.
- Book a moving vehicle and packing materials in advance. The apartment must be empty by the agreed date.
- Clean up carefully. Clean the apartment thoroughly. Clean the oven, the refrigerator, the windows, the light switches, the skirting boards and the tiles. Wipe all closets and cupboards on the inside and on the outside. Defrost the freezer. Empty the storage cage and bicycle storage of your belongings as well.
- Return the keys. Check to whom and when you are supposed to return the keys. Do not forget the spare keys.
- Make a change of address notification. The notification must be made within a week of your moving. You can make the notification to both Posti and the Local Registry Offices online at Be sure to notify your workplace, your place of study and hobby groups and the bank as well as any magazine subscription services.
- Make sure that your deposit is returned to you.